So I gave #Edchat one last go for this semester. I have to say I am unfortunately still not
very impressed. Maybe it was because the
topics where not of high interest to me but I did not pull as much information
out of the conversation than I had through PE hash tags that were not chat
rooms. One useful thing I did grab out
of the Edchat was parent engagement handbook PDF files online. Save those little diamonds incase my future employer
does not already have something set up.
It was useful in terms of information that parents can refer to if their
child is having difficulties and what they can do for them. I had one person post a tweet bringing
interesting information I had previously not thought of: ‘how come you can find
photos of administration handing awards out to students but there is so much controversy
over teachers having photos posted of students’. Just some food for thought that had not occurred
to me before. One thing I was not too
happy about in the chat room was the articles someone was posting about “Is
School Hurting Our Children?”, referring mostly to heavy backpacks and how a
girl obtained a concussion from playing on a school’s soccer team as her reasoning
why school is inappropriate. They did
not have much of an argument but having posted such a thing was pretty
irritating to have to sort through while I was trying to find worthwhile
information. With teacher appreciation
week coming to a close there were a lot of articles recognizing one teacher or
another, or even how to best recognize a teacher. The last main aspect present in the
conversation was the growing awareness of rebellion against standardize testing
throughout the country, particularly Texas.
That pretty much summed up my experience in the chat room. I posted a few private replies to one post or
another but like I mentioned earlier it wasn’t the type of topics I was truly interested
in. I mostly sat in, watched everything
that was happening as a spectator. I am
hoping that a physical education twitter chat will blossom as time continues,
and I am beginning to contemplate starting my own to see what happens. Any suggestions?
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