Friday, May 4, 2012

Summary of My EDSS 530 Class

Reflections on what I have learned this year with adding technology into P.E.

I have always enjoyed the idea of using technology in the classroom.  Not all students are interested in physical activity, but the chance to use technology in the class adds just one more aspect that might “hook” a student who normally would not be interested in the class.  It offers all students another form of material to learn from.  It adds more depth to the curriculum, the limit is your imagination and knowing what is available for you to use.  And what equipment you have… but I am not hired yet so as of now I can live in my happy little bubble/perfect teaching/infinite equipment dream. 
This semester I started out as I will explain in the video blog above, that PLNs were fun and dandy, but I had never used them for professional development before.  That was an eye opener for me!  I can now proudly say I am a professional twitter freak.  For that is where I gather most of my new material and talk to other P.E. teachers.  I have had numerous people “follow” me who identify as teachers and coaches from all over the county.  That is a good feeling let me tell you.  I ponder how many of these followers know I only have a handful of week’s experience and no real teaching job.  That’s a humorous thought.  I hope they don’t read this…  Aside from Twitter, I have also embraced a professional P.E. logging Diigo that saves all my fun files for later.  I am enjoying this site.  It keeps me organized and I am able to refer back to everything I’ve read and reviewed on the web.  I am sad to say that I was not able to reach my goal of starting a social network for P.E.  Someday I might be able to get that one going, but for now it’s for my own personal use.  My blog as been a great addition to my professional development as well.  I am not a fan of writing so most of my reflection happens with David, who also is in a P.E. background.  It’s nice to be able to do the venting reflection with him too sometimes, poor kid.  The bog has offered me a chance to still reflect on big ideas and give David a break too.  Since the beginning of the semester to May 4th, I have logged in 50 posts and I don’t plan on stopping.   
Over all?  My stereotype of Twitter has changed, I have become a blogger for more than just DIY projects, and my resources for P.E. have gone through the roof.  I have to say, it is so nice to be linked up to all these sources, and especially other teachers.

My Twitter account: follow me @briannamurdoch!/BriannaMurdoch

I am always looking for more, suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated!!!

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