Friday, February 3, 2012

Journal Entry #2

Journal Entry #2

Quote from the text/video
What it Means
Deeper Thinking
1. “Behind every challenging behavior is an unsolved problem or lagging skill” –Kids do well if They Can
Kids often display challenging behavior as a coping mechanism for something they do not understand or how to react to something. 
Do NOT look at challenging behavior as something to deal with, or that the child is acting out strictly for attention.  There is something that is causing the behavior.  Instead of just adding desists and punishment to try to get the student “back in line” approach the behavior differently.  Find out what that student is struggling with, what they need help with.  Learn to predict the behaviors and try to challenge it before it happens. 
2.”Children starting school this year will be retiring in 2065, no buddy has a clue what the world will look like in five years time, yet we have to educate them for it.  -TED
We have a very big challenge on our hands to educate and prepare students for… well, we don’t know!
If the students we are going to be teaching will live very different lives of our own.  Working jobs that don’t exist now and leading different life styles.  Why are we teaching them to the old methods that our last generation taught to us.  I felt it was outdated when I took it, I’m afraid to see what students think of it.  We must provide these students with new types of education, education that uses different tools and approaches to learning.  The fact that many classes don’t use technology and the wonderful tools on the web is horrendous! 
3. “Creativity is now as important as literacy, and we need to treat it as such” –TED
In today’s society, we are beginning to learn the importance of expression and creativity on a whole new level.  With the large abundance  in this country students need to learn that it will be creativity that will make them stand out.
We need to start bringing out arts curriculum back, or in the very least use art in all other subjects.  Do not just present routine step by step structured lessons to students.  Lessons need to be constructed in a way that makes students think about the outcomes, and how to get there.   Students need to create their own path, and learn to think in such ways. 
4. “Health care is forecasted to remain a large source of job growth in the labor market.  The long-term trend toward more employment in health care is expected to continue, with many health care occupations, including medical records and health information technicians, registered nurses, clinical laboratory technicians, and physical therapists, expected to grow” –Jobs of the Future
If you majored in Health or are planning to enter the health world, you are in luck. 
Why is the health care forecasted to remain prosperous in the future?  One, you have the baby boomers moving into elderly stages of life and will require more assistance to maintain a certain standard of living.  I think there may be two other reasons why the health care business will do well.  One, we live in a drug driven society.  The cure to any ailment is in the pill form.  Second, the state of children’s activity levels and eating habits are going to impact our medical field.  When these youngsters grow up to obesity and diabetes (to just name two problems) they are going to put strain on insurance, hospitals, and supplies.  These job positions are expected to grow because of the high demand we are going to put on these services. 
5. “…Importantly, post-secondary education and  training can provide  the cognitive and interactive skills required for good, high-paid, jobs” –Jobs of the Future
You have to go to college or higher in order to obtain these necessary skills to get a good, high paid job.
Why on earth are we not teaching these skills in grade school?  We are driven in the test score era to produce statistical results, but we do not invest enough time into the cognitive and interactive skills.  We need start developing analytical and creativity skills much earlier in a student’s life.  To say that is reserved or achieved in secondary education is limiting the success our younger generations can achieve. 

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