Reading Reflection 1: READ the "Focus On" Research-Based Teaching Practices at See below for link.
RR1: IDENTIFY research-based instructional strategies you can use in you ITU.
Asian/Pacific Islanders
-Do not stereotype as “model minority”
-Be more aware of cultural differences. (For example- Conversing freely, do not let them feel silenced of restricted because they partake in discussion in a different format)
- Celebrate cultural and heritage differences, not dismiss them
-Make the curriculum more inclusive
African Americans
-In addition to reforming schools, we should involve the communities and families to create a larger support group
-Maintain the same expectations for all students, teach with equity on who you spend your class time with during individual student help.
-Establish peer support networks, reduce class size and groups
-Recognize cultural shock
-Recognize African American contributions to world civilization.
-SDAIE for ELDs of this group
-Use cooperative learning activities- jigsaw, think-pair-share, three step interview etc
-Use student’s backgrounds and culture in the planning of lesson plans
-Increase the use of effective programs to reduce school absences, truanct, and tardiness.
-Increase family awareness and involvement of classroom activities
-Assist families and communities
-Uphold your demands and expectations of respect and valuing differences in your classroom
-Communicate to general students that the use of hateful vocabulary and name calling can make a group feel unwelcome or unsafe, even if you only meant it as a joke
Native Americans
-Connect instruction with students’ language, culture, and history
-ELD- SDAIE strategies
-Teaching practices align with students’ different learning styles
-Connect with Native families and communities
-Awareness of what gender you are calling on, or rewarding more frequently.
-Use girls as demonstrations or as role models of the P.E. class more frequently
-Do not use inclusive language like “you guys”
-Avoid gender segregated seating patterns and grouping in sport games
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