Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Reading Reflection 7: Read:
Part 1 of Kaye, Cathryn Berger. (2004 or 2011). A Complete Guide to Service Learning. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit. & Service Learning PPT. 
RR7: Identify the key elements and process for Service Learning.

The four key elements in developing a worthwhile Service Learning project is: preparation, action, reflection, and demonstration.

Preparation is where it all begins.  This identifies a need then investigates and analyzes the need.  This happens by researching, bringing in background, and purpose to the lesson you wish to teach.  The foundation you will need to create an action.  You can also complete with phase with your students.  Having student input adds authenticity and intrinsic motivation to the project.  This stage is all about, what you want to do, how you are going to do it.  The information to guide students into motivation and ownership (books, videos, current events, using student’s suggestions).  This stage incorporates deciding what you are going to teach (standards or concepts).  It also involves making contact with outside sources and planning how you will achieve the goal you planned. 

Action is the result of your preparation.  Carrying out all the work you have planned in the preparation stage.  During this stage students continue to learn, meet new people, and interact with their environment.  They experience the results of their efforts to build meaning and memory in what they have learned.  This allows students to fit what they learn into the classroom into real life occurrences. 

Reflection is a huge part of the project and should be used as an ongoing tool throughout this experience.  This not only enables a student to demonstrate their learning to the teacher.  This tool also integrates learning and experience to create a larger sense of growth and awareness to the student.  Service learning creates a lot of excitement, and sometimes the meaning can get lost in the details.  Using reflection can keep that meaning in the forefront to keep everyone involved on track. 

This is the evidence what students have gained or accomplished in the service project.  This response can be in the form of brochures, books, journals, presentations, theatrical acts, letters, and even celebrations.       

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