It’s a delicate balance,
class organization versus optimum OTRs in the classroom. I think the largest problem with all of it the
fact that my class size this year have ranged from 52 to 62 students. In high school it was a little simpler to get
students up and going, they were a little more quick to figure stuff out. Middle school on the other hand I am learning
needs a lot more repetition, time for instruction/demonstrations, and a whole
lot of organization. A lot of time is
lost in between all these matters. If
you are on a campus that requires a lot of transitions or moving across campus;
I am so sorry because you have to take a big chunk for that now too. So here is my frustration. If the class is not very organized you have
issues with negligence, and all the fun included with that. If you try to not organize as much, try to
get students to organize themselves, you have larger transition times and a
whole lot more fires to put out, calling across space becomes desists rather
than more corrective/positive feedback.
I thought I was doing an okay balance.
My Masters teacher explaining that I am okay but I still need more
organization, my university supervisor is telling me I have way to much
organization and no were near enough OTRs.
Now I’m just frustrated. What is
a girl to do?
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