Reflective Paper for EDSS 531
back at my courses this semester I feel I gained the most learning from my
introduction to the teacher collaboration that happens on the web. We learned about ITUs and how to collaborate
our lessons together, and create electronic representations of our hard
work. What excites me the most though is
the fact that now someone else could stumble upon it on the web and be able to
use it in their own practices, giving me the chance to reach out to students I
will never even meet, but because of my website will have an impact on their
learning as well. In the past I knew of
a few sites that had resources for physical education, which I used when I
needed something, but rarely contributed my own thoughts. I knew of forums and blogs, but never took
the time to explore their potential.
This semester finally made me take that step into the educational
digital world I needed. With course
schedule changes, all of a sudden I had free time to explore all the physical
education venues I never before had time to browse through. The best part was that I was provided with
different venues that would lead me to find new material outside of
Google. Twitter, a site that was of
great annoyance to me before, became a gateway for me to communicate with
others about teaching and find resources about teaching. The same with Diigo, Blogger, Pinterest, and
Evernote. These sites became more than
just recreational use to me. I learned
how I could use these sites with a professional perspective. Not only was all these new resources
presented to me so that I can continue to utilize outside of my clinical
practice, but I realized I could contribute to it as well. In the past I used specific sites to better
my own planning, but now, even as a new teacher, I find myself posting
information that I want others to know.
I am becoming involved in a way that will not only benefit just my
students but others as well by spreading ideas with their teachers. The idea is so exciting! The best part of all this is that it will not
end on June 7th when I finish my clinical practice. This is a resource and a tool I can access at
any point during my career and it will never be outdated but continually
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