Monday, April 30, 2012

Educational Chats on Twitter

I have to say, I was kind of disappointed on my experience with the chat rooms of twitter.  That opinion I can say is pretty biased too though.  I never had a chance to use the chat rooms while they were in their 'scheduled' meetings because of my work schedule conflicting with the chat rooms I was interested in.  As a result I tried to use them outside of their regular meeting times.  The one I ventured into during the semester was #edchat, simply because it was a general education chat room.  The scheduled Tuesday night meetings were not the only time people used the hash tag.  On any given morning I would log on, begin to browse people's postings and constantly keep getting pushed back because Twitter was loading sometimes 20 more tweets at a time on the chat room hash tag.  So I knew people were present on the link and I tried to make contact with them.  Usually I saved a plethora of links they would be sending out to review, but with things moving through so quickly I took the information, but rarely kept on a conversation.  I took the news articles or general information, but none of it was P.E. and a lot of it could not be used in the P.E. setting I have here at my internship.  The information presented was not always to my benefit so instead I began to tweet my own questions to the group to see if I could get a biter.  I never got a response.  This could be because I did this "after hours" but there were plenty of other conversations happening.  There was one question I may have posted two or three times before I gave up on non responses.  It was looking for behavior management strategies in P.E., and if someone could send my a link to a site or a shout out for a good book.  I never did get a reply and stopped trying.  A little disappointing, but what are you going to do.  What I am really bummed out this whole educational chat business is the lack of involvement in Physical Education.  When I first came on to Twitter and began finding all these small avenues of physical education I was really excited, I had finally found my link to my future co-workers!  When I searched for P.E. chats, nothing came up.  I searched everywhere, and no P.E. chats have been established yet.  I was super bummed!  Is this something I might be able to establish myself in the future?  I would love those bragging rights and might take the time to endulge someday.  But for now I have to say that my education twitter chat room experience was not all that great and I am pretty disappointed over the whole ordeal.  When I get a Tuesday night off I will tune into #edchat, and hopefully I can get some different results!!!     

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